Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh Help Me

I imagine it seems that the moment AOL announced that journals were closing, i stopped with journal entries.. That's  just a coincidence.  Truth be known, I"ve been incredibly busy.  Now, I'm at the Renaissance Resort at Golf Village, St. Augustine, Florida for the Florida Association of City Clerks' Career Development Institute. 

The resort is gorgeous, sumptuous, opulent.  I'm an internet junkie, and t hey want $12.95 a day - noon to noon - for internet access.  not that I'm cheap, but i couldn't even figure out how to connect.  I got bored with that.

Tomorrow, we're taking a tour of 'old town" st. augustine. ..Lots of history.  Lots of good people.  I can't believe it's only Monday night.

I'm bored.

The sessions are boring.  Our afternoon session ended an hour early, because the program coordinators feared a mutiny by the attendees because it was SOOO BORING...!  Project Management <<yawn>> by a monitone presenter who literally read his power point handout to us.... <<double yawn>>. 

Thank goodness for my trusty black berry...even playing "rooster" during boring sessions affords some relief....

Michelle welcomes e-mails to keep her entertained...